75 Years and Counting

It was an exciting day 75 years ago, on December 8, 1944, when Fred Jordan Missions opened its doors for the very first time. Today, that same fire, enthusiasm, and calling from God continues as my wife, Kris, and I carry the vision forward. Our mission and purpose are simple: To declare and demonstrate the love of Jesus to the lost by sharing the life-changing message of the gospel and helping meet the needs of hurting people in Los Angeles, the Coachella Valley, and wherever else the Lord may lead. 

Additionally, we will have two Outreach Training Centers, one in Los Angles at FJM, and the other in the Coachella Valley. Both Outreach Training Centers are designed to teach and equip church leaders and laypeople to reach the lost within their local communities. We often say, “I can do a good thing, and you can do a good thing, but together, we can do extraordinary things as Jesus works through us.” 

With your partnership, we can continue reaching the lost and building the Kingdom of God. Will you stand with us today and give your most generous year-end gift to help us bring this exciting vision to pass? Will you invest in helping change the lives of men, women, and children through the HOPE of the gospel? 

You can donate online instantly at www.fjm.org. Whatever you contribute, please know how grateful we are for your support. 

Great vision requires great resources, but we know “Jesus is able” through your generous support. 

In Jesus’ love, 

Joe and Kris Jordan 

Fred Jordan Missions