We Feed Daily Until The Food Runs Out

I know this has been a challenging time for most people, and my heart goes out to everyone dealing with the unprecedented situation caused by Coronavirus.


Death, sicknesses, loss of jobs and steady incomes, financial hardships, food insecurities, and a lack of necessary supplies are things none of us anticipated. With fear and worry lurking around every corner, I am choosing to trust Jesus and stand on His Word.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

Despite the many challenges we are facing with this quarantine, I’m thankful we still have roofs over our heads and safe, warm places to sleep at night.

The same cannot be said for those sleeping unprotected on the streets of Skid Row. They live at the intersection of crisis, where homelessness and disease meet.

The Mission doors are staying open to feed and care for those on thestreets while we remain in compliance with the standards of prevention and protection issued by the City of Los Angeles.

I need your help today!

For every $10 donation, we provide 5 healthy meals.

Our meal provisions have grown by 300%!

$35 | $50 | $100 | $250 | $500 | $1,000

We open the doors at 9:30 am serving breakfast – then by 1:00 pm, theline for lunch is around the building and up 5th Street. At 2:00 pm, weserve a hot meal, and most days, we serve meals until the food runs out. Then, we clean up and prepare for the next day.

Fred Jordan Missions, since 1944, has been one of the longest-serving hunger-relief organizations in Los Angeles. Our dedication of “Declaring and Demonstrating the Love of Jesus” does not waiver, but has remained steadfast in being the extended hands and feet of Jesus in the midst of COVID-19.

Please know this. Fred Jordan Missions is supported by you, our caring friends, not the government, county, or city support. Only you...

Please give today and help us provide meals to those who have nothing. Remember, $10 feeds 5 meals. If you can give more, please do so. Theneed is greater now, more than ever, in the history of Fred Jordan Missions. Please give as generously as possible.

May God’s hand of protection continually be upon you.

Serving Jesus together,

Joe Jordan Willie Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan) 

President/Senior Pastor Chairman of the Board 
