I never thought I’d be that guy...


As a kid growing up in Los Angeles with Fred and Willie Jordan as my parents, I have to tell you; it wasn’t easy! They were shining examples of God’s love in action, not just in the heart of Los Angeles but around the world. Their passion, dedication, and heart to serve the helpless and hopeless was beyond admirable. But, to be honest, I didn’t fully “get it.”

Yes, I understood Los Angeles was the homeless capital of the nation, but as a young person, it was also the premier city to have fun in and get caught up in other trouble outside the streets of Skid Row. More often than not, I found myself seeking a lifestyle that didn’t follow the rules or godly character of my parents. I wanted to rebel instead, which included doing drugs and drinking alcohol, which was the path I chose to take. Believe me, sin is pleasurable – for a while – but that kind of “fun” ultimately leads to destruction in so many ways.

Even though I didn’t live on the streets of Skid Row, like the people my parents worked with and served, I was headed down a path of destruction that could very well lead me to those very streets or worse. But then one day, all of that changed.

At the end of my road, I cried out to Jesus for help,

and He met me at the center of my need.

Today, over 30 years later, nothing is more satisfying to me than serving Jesus by serving those in need. Nothing gives me greater satisfaction than knowing I am part of a ministry that blesses men, women, and children with hot, nourishing meals daily, or wraps them up with warm blankets when they’re cold and shivering, or hugs a child who needs comfort and love. And above all, nothing beats sharing the love of Jesus with the lost so He can meet them right where they’re at and turn their lives around like He did mine.

Honestly, I never thought I’d be that guy, but I am. Will you join me in showing the lonely and rejected that there is HOPE, and His name is Jesus? There’s nothing more rewarding than to tell them Jesus cares and to show them we do as well.

$35 | $50 | $100 | $250 | $500 | $1,000

I challenge you to be “that guy” or “that woman” who will come alongside me to “Declare and Demonstrate the Love of Jesus” on these streets. Ineed your help because I can’t do it alone.

I know during these past few weeks, many on Skid Row and around the world have had hearts filled with fear, worry, anxiety, and hopelessness. That’s why in the days and months ahead, we are committed to staying open and being a beacon of God’s love and mercy to those on the streets by providing them with hot meals, snacks, beverages, clothing, blankets, and hygiene products on a daily basis. We will also continue sharing words of encouragement and hope to our world through our weekly TV Program, Social Media outlets, and free online resources and Bible studies available on our website.

Your financial partnership is needed now more than ever! So, I’m asking you to please consider giving generously today. And remember to pray for us. We will be praying for you and asking Jesus to protect and bless you as you reach out to bless “the least of these.”

Until next month, God bless you and yours!

Serving Jesus Together,

Joe Jordan - President/Senior Pastor

Willie Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan) - Chairman of the Board 

Fred Jordan Missions