“What home we gonna go to?”
The Government does not have answers, but the Bible does!
In a recent heated exchange, a congressional representative told a crowd of homeless people in Los Angeles to “go home.” In response, cries from the group said, “What home we gonna go to?”
Joyce, a 77-year-old disabled woman, said, “I’m homeless. I’m living wherever I can.”
Pain, confusion, and anger over the homelessness crisis “boils over,” as a recent L.A. Times article reported while expressing concern over the growing problem in Los Angeles—the largest homeless population in America.
This fact is a reality. The homeless population has grown and expanded well beyond Skid Row, so Fred Jordan Missions has extended our reach to help those in downtown Los Angeles and beyond.
However, this is not a political issue for us but a biblical one. Scripture is very clear on how we should treat those in poverty. Jesus loves the poor and commands us to help them from the Old Testament to the New.
It is that simple.
From Deuteronomy, it says not to harden our hearts or close our hands to the poor but give freely...
From Proverbs, it says if we have pity on the poor, we are lending to Jesus, who will repay us for what we have given...
From Luke, it says we should invite the poor, maimed, lame, and blind to our feasts, and we will be blessed...
$25 | $50 | $100 | $250 | $500| $1,000
Will you help me help the “Joyce’s” on Skid Row, the mothers who need to feel loved on Mother’s Day, and all those whom Jesus has called us to care for, from the least of these on Skid Row to beyond?
Your most generous gift is needed and very appreciated. Thank You.
In Christ,
Joe Jordan
President/Senior Pastor