How Will We Be Judged?
The late Hubert Humphrey once said, “A government will be judged on how it treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped.”
Through the years, this quote has also been attributed to Mahatma Gandhi, who led India from British rule to independence; the author, Pearl Buck, who won a Pulitzer Prize for her books on China; and even Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the martyred German pastor, theologian, and anti-Nazi spy.
But whether any of these people realized it or not, they were quoting a spiritual truth, since it was Jesus, Himself, who said that at the Judgment, when all the nations will be gathered before Him, we will be judged on how we responded to “…the least of these.”
Did we feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, care for the stranger, clothe the naked, care for the sick, and visit the prisoners?
Here at Fred Jordan Mission on Skid Row in Los Angeles, we see men, hungry women, and even hungry children. In fact, Los Angeles has more hungry children than any other county in the nation.
That’s why we share God’s simple plan of salvation with all who come to the Mission, and that’s why we serve the needy - - not with magnificent deeds, but with simple things.
We know that when we do the small, seemingly insignificant things, such as feeding the hungry, giving a cup of cold water to the thirsty, clothing to the naked, and so much more, we are serving Jesus.
Here on these filthy, dangerous streets, we see Jesus in the eyes of the poor, in the eyes of those we are blessed to serve. He is here, and we are honored to serve Him, by serving the poor.
Thanksgiving is just days away, and I need your help to feed hungry Americans.
Thank you for caring for those Jesus called, “the least of these.”
Willie Jordan
(Mrs. Fred Jordan)