2020: Serving Hope in the Face of Hopelessness


Jesus saved souls as the gospel message was shared at over 200 Social Safety Compliant Chapel Services and Curbside Events where thousands of blankets, shoes, socks, food items, clothes, and hygiene kits have been distributed to those in need. 



400% more people are fed every day at the Mission than this time last year. 

200,000+ breakfast, lunches, and to-go snacks have been served. 

Thousands of children and their families received food boxes and essential goods.



By partnering with Jordan Outreach Ministries and The Narrow Door, we were able to serve..... 

25,000+ food boxes to families in need in the Coachella Valley. 

2.5 million pounds+ of food to families in need in theCoachella Valley.

$25 | $50 | $100 | $250 | $500 | $1,000 | $1,500

I am so looking forward to what lies ahead in 2021.

Even though 2020 caught us by surprise with a global pandemic where hundreds of thousands of people suffered from this vicious virus, resulting in sickness and death... 

And, almost overnight, millions of people lost their jobs, causing physical and emotional stress because they could not put food on the table...

And even though hopelessness abounded...

Amidst it all, God was faithful, and so were you! That is why Fred Jordan Missions could declare and demonstrate His goodness to those in need! 

Despite the bad news, I have some “GOOD NEWS!” 

Fred Jordan Missions just celebrated 76 years of serving the poor and needy.  

It is because of your faithfulness that Fred Jordan Missions has served those in need for so long. 

Please read this encouraging report while considering how you can stand with us today as we move forward in 2021. 

God Bless, 

Joe Jordan 
President/Senior Pastor

Fred Jordan Missions