What does it mean to have a “Christmas Heart?”

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Dear Friend,

What does it mean to have a “Christmas Heart?”


A few months ago, a co-worker shared this term with me. He had overheard another staff member humming the song, “Joy to the World” in July, in the halls of the Mission, in the heat of the summer, and amid a pandemic. Confused, he asked her, “Why are you humming a Christmas song in the middle of summer?” She replied, “I want to have the heart of Christmas all year around.”

When I sat down to write you this letter, that thought, a “Christmas Heart,” resonated with me. Even though I had barely digested Thanksgiving dinner that I shared with my friends here on the streets of Skid Row, I thought about what it means to have a Christmas Heart year around, and here it is: Jesus is the Light of the world, not just at Christmastime, but ALL THE TIME.

“The Christmas Heart” quote by George Adams,

“Let us remember that the Christmas heart is a giving heart, a wide-open heart that thinks of others first. The birth of the baby Jesus stands as the most significant event in all history, because it has meant the pouring into a sick world the healing medicine of love which has transformed all manner of hearts for almost two thousand years... Underneath all the bulging bundles is this beating Christmas heart.”

Let that sink in as we prepare for the busiest time of the year - Christmas! Open your heart to others first. If you are not affected by the ailments of our world today:

...Give to those who are sick, unemployed, homeless, hungry, and hopeless.

...Help us continue sharing the hope of Jesus by Declaring the Gospel message, which heals, restores, and gives life to those who are helpless and lost.

...Know when we Demonstrate God’s love by providing meals, food boxes, clothes, shoes, and necessities to those in need - plus bless thousands of children with brand new toys - the Christmas heart beats strongly behind those “bulging bundles” of presents.

$30 | $60 | $120 | $300 | $600 | $1,200

Then know this: Fred Jordan Missions is ESSENTIAL. That is what the city of Los Angeles and the Coachella Valley have called us. As essential, we have increased our GIVING and FEEDING by over 400%! Our food distribution center fills up and then empties out weekly. We are feeding on the streets of Skid Row and holding drive-through food distribution events from downtown Los Angeles to the Coachella Valley.

Now, we are planning our Annual Christmas at the Mission event where we will share the message of the Christ Child, then serve a delicious holiday meal to those who come to the Mission. We will also distribute Christmas family food boxes, Christmas gifts, toys, clothing, and blankets during our mobile drive-through outreaches. The delivery might look different than anything we have done before, but we are excited to bless those in need this holiday, despite the pandemic.

Please share your “Christmas heart” with us and give as generously as possible. We love you and please know you are always in our prayers.

Serving Jesus Together,

Joe Jordan - President/Senior Pastor

Willie Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan) - Chairman of the Board

Fred Jordan Missions