Real People with Real Stories


 Dear Friend, 

With being only a few days into the New Year and embarking on a new decade, it’s amazing for me to reflect on all Jesus did in 2019 through your faithful support of Fred Jordan Missions:

  • We fed and clothed thousands of men, women, and children who live in poverty every day

  • We hosted five Holiday Celebrations on the streets of Skid Row, including Easter, Mother’s Day, Back To School (where 3,000 children received new shoes, socks, toys, and backpacks), Thanksgiving, and Christmas (where over 1,000 children received brand new toys and more than 600 moms and dads received holiday food bags, a new blanket, scarves, and the love of Jesus in abundance)

  • We celebrated our 75th Anniversary of serving Jesus on the streets of Skid Row

2019 was the first full year Kris and I led Fred Jordan Missions since my mom’s stroke in 2017 when she stepped down from the helm. After my dad died in 1988, she faithfully carried out his God-given vision of “Declaring and Demonstrating the Love of Jesus” to the lost on Skid Row, and we are continuing to do the same.

$35 | $50 | $100 | $250 | $500

With 2020 now upon us, we anticipate it being the greatest year ever to minister to the needs of homeless and impoverished souls, both on Skid Row and beyond. But looking back, we’ve seen the hand of Jesus move so powerfully in the lives of precious people, including Penny and the Nelson Family. Here are their stories:

Penny lived on the streets of Skid Row for four decades. Four decades! This past Spring, she came to one of our Chapel Services, and we prayed for Jesus to provide her with a place of her very own. One week later, He answered her prayer when she was approved for government-assisted housing. Penny still comes to our Chapel Services each week with a big heart, wanting to help others in need whenever possible. Recently, she took in a few teenagers who had nowhere to live and brought them to the Mission for a visit. Penny is such a living testimony of God’s care and compassion to those on the streets.

The Nelson Family just happened to be walking on the streets in front of the Mission one day while I was taping our weekly television program. After talking with them for a while, I found out they were the victims of a terrible hurricane in Alabama, which destroyed their home and all their possessions. They ended up in Los Angeles, hoping to find a job and a house but ended up on Skid Row. I talked to them about Jesus, put them up in a hotel for a few nights, gave their two little girls some early Christmas presents, and helped provide for their immediate needs. Shortly thereafter, they were approved for housing and obtained employment to provide for themselves once again.

These are real stories of real people living on the streets of Skid Row, whom your faithful support had helped encourage, impact, and transform when all hope was lost. We know there are many more Penny’s and Nelson Family’s waiting to receive God’s hope and provision in 2020, and with your help, we will be there to do our part.

Will you commit to stand with us financially this year and help make a difference in the lives of men, women, and children, both now and for eternity? Your support makes such a difference, and we can’t do it without you.

For all you do, thank you in advance. And may Jesus abundantly bless you and yours in this New Year and all throughout your days.

Serving Jesus together,

Joe Jordan - President/Senior Pastor

Willie Jordan - Chairman of the Board

Fred Jordan Missions