Sometimes life - especially on the streets of Skid Row - doesn’t look like Love at all.


I recently sent an email about “What does LOVE look like.” I did so because I love talking about the love of God, the love of my wife and family, and the love of people like you who show compassion toward the less fortunate.

However, in the midst of “All the Love,” life happens. And sometimes life - especiallyon the streets of Skid Row - doesn’t look like Love at all.

$35 | $50 | $100 | $250 | $500 | $1,000

“Mary” lived in a tent outside our front doors for several months. On most days, she would rise early and greet our staff as they arrived at work. She was friendly and always cooperative when we needed her to move to clean the sidewalks. She was also very appreciative of the food, clothing, and supplies we gave her regularly.

One particular day, however, “Mary” hadn’t emerged from her tent. Its entrance was unzipped, and a few of our staff saw her lying down inside. They assumed she’d had a late night and was still asleep. But as the sidewalk cleaning got underway, it was evident that something was wrong. One staff member called her name loudly, but there was no response. Within minutes, other staff members, along with neighboring homeless residents, tried to wake her, but with no success. “Mary” was gone. She had passed away during the night from a drug overdose.

“Mary’s” sudden death was heartbreaking and tragic for all of us!

The only glimmer of hope I have in times like these is knowing that we fed, clothed, and shared the hope of the gospel with “Mary” on several occasions. She regularly heard about Jesus’ love for her and His amazing gift of grace available by faith. I can only hope she prayed to receive Jesus as her Lord and Savior on one of those occasions before she passed away.

Will you please pray and consider financially partnering with us as we continue reaching out to lost and hurting souls on Skid Row?Serving Jesus Together,

Joe Jordan Willie Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan) 

President/Senior Pastor Chairman of the Board 

Fred Jordan Missions