Since March, over half a million meals have been distributed

Since March, over half a million meals have been distributed from Los Angeles to the Coachella Valley, and we’ve seen a 300% increase in meals served at Fred Jordan Missions. 

Thanks to you and your commitment to helping those less fortunate, Fred Jordan Missions and our strategic partnerships with The Narrow Door, Jordan Outreach Ministries – and most of all, you – we have been able to “rise up” and meet the needs of so many hurting and hungry people. 

Here is a challenge for you: Take $25 and go to your local grocery store. Only buy a few staple items to feed your family like milk, bread, vegetables, and meat. Could you fill up a box of food to serve you and your family several meals – not for a day – but several days or even a week? Could you do it? 


My mother and father had seven children, so we learned what it was to – as my mom Willie would say – “stretch a dollar.”

Our staff and strategic partners put together the best “Family Meal Box” for our guest and friends who are suffering, and this is what we assembled:

• Canned Goods, Tomatoes, Beans, Corn

• Dry Goods, Rice, Instant Potatoes, Pasta, Cereal

• Perishables, Milk, Fresh Vegetables, Fresh Fruit

• Water and an Assortment of Other Drinks

• USDA Fresh Protein, Chicken or Pork

• Masks and Toiletry Items

Every box looks a little different, but we are filling them up. We are providing groceries to families and hot meals to our Mission guests by “stretching” your generous and caring contributions.

$25 | $50 | $100 | $250 | $500 | $1,000

$25 can go a long way if you can help with one Family Meal Box. $50, $100, or $300 will provide multiple Family Meal Boxes, which would put a lot of smiles on so many faces. I imagine it would also put a smile on your face knowing you are making a difference.

These are words you don’t hear as of late from LA City Officials: “We need you to stay open...Fred Jordan Missions is a beacon of hope.” We receive no funding from the city, state, or federal government. FJM has been here for over 75 years because of the generous donations of people like you who recognize they have a roof over their head and food on their table, and, in return for their gratitude, desire to help those who are less fortunate and have nothing.

I am asking that you give your best gift possible, whatever the amount. Large or small, we will use that money to declare and demonstrate the love of Jesus by sharing the gospel and feeding the hungry.

Serving Jesus Together,

Joe Jordan - President/Senior Pastor

Willie Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan) - Chairman of the Board

Fred Jordan Missions