To what lengths would you go to rescue someone you love?

What distance would you travel to rescue a loved one? How far would you go to find a lost relative or friend? To what lengths would you put forth an effort to change someone’s life?

Recently, an Orange County Firefighter came into the Mission looking for his daughter.


Can you imagine walking the streets of Skid Row – streets littered with used hypodermic needles, empty alcohol bottles, filth, and grime, with tents stacked upon tents and the destitute and desperate calling this place home – and searching for your daughter?

His heart was broken. He told us it all began so subtly with his daughter dabbling, experimenting, and chasing something new and adventurous that was far from the lifestyle and values of her upbringing. This led her to alcohol and drug use. Eventually, she left home, far from the family who loved and cared for her throughout her life.

Addictions are evil and real.

I say this all the time, but it is not just alcoholics and the destitute who call Skid Row their home. It is people who have lost their way, their job, and their will to live.

With tears in his eyes, this firefighter said, “I just want my baby girl back home. I won’t stop looking for her until I find her.”

That is my question for you. To what lengths would you go to rescue someone you love?

$30 | $60 | $120 | $300 | $600 | $1,200

Thanksgiving on Skid Row will look different this year, but we will be celebrating once again, nonetheless. Did you know, for over 75 years, we have lined these streets with tables and chairs and served hundreds of thousands of Thanksgiving meals since 1944?

This year, we will continue serving meals to our Skid Row family. We will pray with them, bless them, and give them additional food boxes for their home or dwelling. We will also help clothe them and provide hygiene items and toiletries.

TOGETHER, we will celebrate Thanksgiving – and I need YOU and your generous donations to help us continue declaring and demonstrating the love of Jesus, and your love, to those on Skid Row. TOGETHER, we can lighten their load and help them through their suffering and trials.

You may not make the drive or walk these streets to find a loved one or friend. But your most generous gift will touch a life – and, yes, your gift could help rescue a friend.

Serving Jesus Together,

Joe Jordan - President/Senior Pastor

Willie Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan) - Chairman of the Board

Fred Jordan Missions